A Safe place
Many have the gift of serving, but at The Hideaway, you will be the one who is pampered and served. While you need to stay engaged with the process without the worry of everyday issues, we also want you to understand how important and valuable you are. Take a look at our gallery to see our facility and get a feel of what the Hideaway Experience is like.
He’s So Good 5:42
Joe and Christina reached out to us to tell us about the song they released after attending a Hideaway Marriage Intensive.
What is a Good Marriage? 1:30
A good marriage is two people who are committed to the promise to do whatever it takes to have the best marriage possible.
How Pornography Affects Marriage 1:58
The shame and hurt that accompanies these issues CAN be overcome. The Hideaway helps people get in touch with who they were created to be.
Changing Lives 2:33
God works in miraculous ways. Hear the story of how God transformed the life of a young lady at the Hideaway Experience.
God Brings Miracles 2:07
During an intensive, a Woman experiences a life changing transformation that saves her marriage.
Helping the Individual First 1:37
Intensives are not focused only on the couple, but also on the individual. Once the individual issues are resolved, the groundwork to a healthy marriage can be laid.
Pastors: The Reality of Being Human 2:02
Pastors often feel like they have to appear to not have issues. The reality is that pastors are no different from everyone else.
Healing 2:21
Intensives are designed to help others find healing. Once the healing process is started, new life can begin.
Before Divorce 1:51
A healthy marriage is not out of reach. Intensives are designed to resolve underlying issues in marriages to help mend relationships.