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I came here broken, exhausted, and ready to throw the towel in. Today I am holding my husband and a new day has begun as we travel and embark on our new journey as one and US. Praise our Heavenly Father for such a place and wonderful people who have given us tools to have a rock solid marriage.

God did incredible things in our marriage this week. I have never felt so hopeful and energized for my marriage. I was hopeless before coming here and the experience changed everything. This is a week I will never forget.

The word special is often used. But when you experience something as unique and formative as the hideaway experience, it redefines the meaning behind this word. To say this week was one of the best weeks of my life, makes this experience and my marriage more than special. We thank you and will always pray for you.

This was so different from mainstream counseling – it was so practical and life-giving – brought so much hope that things really could change and be better. We saw it and experienced the change right then and there. What a sweet sense of relief! God bless this ministry and how it has and will continue to impact marriages and families.

I came with the expectation that this intensive would really help us in our marriage, and I wasn’t disappointed. Even after 44 years of marriage, I discovered new truths about myself and my spouse, and grabbed onto new and effective ways of dealing with and working through our differences.

God has truly worked in our lives. God partnered alongside well-trained therapists to provide solutions for a couple that was stuck the last 7 years. I truly have a softened and encouraged heart for a new start with my husband.

The moment I stepped into the room I felt God’s Precious Spirit!! I feel released and free from issues that have held me bound since I was a child. God has changed me personally and given me a fresh start. I have some tools to use to enhance my life and marriage. Awesome!

This was a very hard and what felt like a very long 4 days. It was worth it! The transformation that happens is amazing and there is nothing like it. This gives you such good tools and the truth to carry on each day. I am so grateful for this experience.

This experience means hope. I have been given new tools to not only use on my marriage, but also on myself. I came here thinking it was only my marriage that needed help, but realized that I needed help as well.

I didn’t have much hope for our 38-year dead marriage, and this seemed like our only hope left. Not until our 3rd day, did the sliver of light break through. It was a miracle as the light of hope finally began to grow in us both! We are leaving with thankful, encouraged hearts. God is at work!

Before arriving, my hope had been destroyed. I am so grateful for the healing and clarity that has come with honest work and open hearts. I can hope again in a future that is ‘more than we could ask for or imagine.’

Amazing experience from the moment of arrival to the last moment. Expectations were met and even exceeded. God will move mountains in your marriage if you let Him. The Hideaway Experience will help guide you as well. Your marriage and you are worth this!

I came into this experience with a decent amount of trepidation. However, I would say that through these sessions, I am now able to identify feelings that would ordinarily result in anger. I am forever grateful for this experience and my marriage will prosper as a result.

This was so different from mainstream counseling – it was so practical and life-giving – brought so much hope that things could change and be better. We saw it and experienced the change right then and there. What a sweet sense of relief! God bless this ministry and how it has and will continue to impact marriages and families.